Title: all the pretty faces and sorry words Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Emma/Walt, implied mention of Cindy/Lennon. Rating: PG Summary: Don't fall in love with potential. For flaky_artist. 232 words.
Title: come back tomorrow Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Clementine/Zach, mention of Walt. Rating: PG Summary: Her name is crossed out like a mistake. For lost_in_108's prompt Mirror.
Title: whisper the tongue like an old friend Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Dogen and Lennon, mention of Richard. Rating: PG Summary: The green fruit is an alien thing in his grasp. For that_evening. 291 words.
Title: locked behind the years Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Kate/Ben Rating: PG Summary: She awakes with the sun. For lost_in_108's prompt Lie.
Title: ruby lips above the water Author: cloudytea Characters: Clementine Phillips, James Ford. Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: None. Summary: She figures he's just making up for lost time. For lost_in_108's prompt Wish.
Title: blows away like ashes in my hand Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Claire/Miles Rating: PG Summary: He is careful not to awake the monster deep inside. 295 words. For mollivanders.
Title: make us meaningless again Author: cloudytea Characters: Ana/Eko Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for Season 2. Summary: Her sins will never wash away. For lost_in_108's prompt Clean.
Title: we cover our lies with smiles Characters/Parings: Alex/Boone, mentions of Ben and Danielle. Rating: PG Words: 409 Summary: She doesn't know why she does it. For snowweisz.
Title: just a shade of brown Author: cloudytea Characters: Kate/Ben Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for the entire series. Summary: She hates the way her name sounds on his tongue. For lost_in_108's prompt Detour.